News & Events

Potluck Sunday

Every first Sunday of every month we celebrate our community with a potluck lunch in the hall. Bring a favourite dish. Bring a friend. Join us following our morning service.

Bible Study

Bible Study takes place on the second and fourth Sunday of each month. Join us in the hall for refreshments after the service and stay for Bible Study.

Prayer List

Please add anyone that you wish to our prayer list by adding their names(s) to the list provided at the back of the church, whether it is for health concerns, thanksgiving, birthdays, wedding anniversaries, in memory of, or other reasons.

Membership List Update

You may receive an email or a printed letter to confirm your name, and the members of your household's names if applicable, and your membership to St. Mary the Virgin. A donation form may also be sent to keep the list of donors current. Please take a moment to respond.

Make A Joyful Noise Unto The Lord

If you enjoy singing and would like to join our choir, just come and join the practice at 9:00 am every Sunday morning in the church basement.

Altar Guild

We are looking for volunteers to be part of our altar guild and assist with setting up the church for services. They have changed their schedule to set up on Sunday morning at 9:00 with the hope and prayer that some would find time to join.

Regular Sundays and Meetings
1st Sunday of the Month – Potluck Sunday
2nd Sunday of the Month – Women’s Group Sunday
3rd Sunday of the Month – Youth Sunday
4th Sunday of the Month – BSA Sunday
A group's meetings are after coffee hour on their respective Sunday.
Parish Council meetings are every 3rd Saturday of the month at 2:00 pm.